Do you meditate? If so, do you meditate daily? If not, why not?
I’m not here to guilt-trip you into meditating but if you’re not meditating every day then you are missing out on a fantastic tool for alleviating stress and anxiety!
The thing is, most people don’t really know what meditation is or how to do it effectively.

​​Here are my 5 top ways for making meditation work for you:

  1. Set aside a 10-minute time slot at the same time every day to meditate and dedicate to sticking to that time. Check out my FREE “10-minutes To Calm” guided meditation in the Resource Library.
  2. Set up a dedicated meditation space in your home, somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed. Make the space inviting and calming by adding a candle which you can use to set your intention each time you meditate.
  3. Set an intention every time you meditate. Ask yourself what is it that you need to feel most at the moment and use your meditation to activate that feeling.
  4. Choose a meditation track to listen to if you are a beginner. The key with meditation is to still the mind but to start with you are better to focus on a guided meditation that trains you on how to do this. 
  5. Don’t overthink it. Meditation takes practice. You can’t expect to become an expert in it after a couple of tries. If you find it hard, that means you need it even more. So, stick with it. The brain is like a muscle. It needs to be strengthened and trained in the same way as you would your arms or legs in the gym.

Do you have a favourite way to meditate? I’m a real person and I read all your comments so, please drop a comment below and let me know.


PS Read this article where I give you 6 different ways to meditate that you may not have thought of.

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Suz McDonald

Suz McDonald

Holistic Wellbeing Specialist

Suz McDonald is passionate about helping others to heal their past and step onto their spiritual path. She is a certified ThetaHealing® Master/Instructor, Reiki Master/Teacher, sound therapist, yoga teacher and mindfulness coach. She combines these techniques to bring about positive change in your life.

Join Suz for a one-to-one consultation, workshop, retreat or class and take the first step to changing your life for the better.